19 February 2009

sorry Mr wan (why I made so much noise)

I am very very sorry Mr wan.
I kept on talking because I was very interested in the topic.
I am sorry I talked and interrupted your lesson.
I am also sorry I talked and you could not hear what Jia Xuan said.
I will try not to talk during class; I will talk to my friends after school.


Anonymous said...

Mr Wan,I am sorry that I did not bring my maths workbook to class because yesterday I had alot of tution work and I had to go to Dennison house for a project.
I do not think that I could write the 200 word blog on this web
I would want to know why you said that you were forever eighteen.I am extremely sorry for the incident.
I have done my corrections already.The maths test was quite hard because of question 3....I hope that I get full marks!
I want to join the basketball team but I do not know how to.My bff is dennison and Syan.I wonder how Melvin project is comming along....hm..
I joined the guitar lesson at epps.Firdaus,Iylia...and many otherpeople joined the guitar lesson to.
Dennison and Melvin keep on fighting during lesson so loud that I cannot concentrate well.Ahhh!!!I am so fed up!!I think it is only fair that Melvin should sit right beside the teacher' table.
Hope I can do well for exam..STRESS!!!Soccer match was a good game between courage and diligence.Courage won and the star player was.....MrWan!Don't play play!Hope to have mre of this..Got to go ,Bye!!!