21 February 2009

sorry Mr wan I did not bring my things

Mr wan, I did not bring my maths workbook because I am a very very very very careless boy and it was because I was very busy that day as I had to go to Dennison house to do a project......:(and I had tuition right after that.(not kidding)...After coming back from tuition, I rushed through dinner and had to go to my Akito lesson.I was dead tired and I had forgotten about the workbook.I am terribly sorry about this incident and I will try my best never ever do it again.I hope you will forgive me and I am utmost regret and remorse......Let us talk about good things and not the worse.:)Mr wan, I would like to share this with you,Dennison and Melvin keep on fighting non-stop and I cannot hear you explaining the lesson and I promised my father to do well in my studies but when I try to stop them I get scolded instead!Mr wan,I need your opinion for what is best for the rest of the group.(Melvin always provoke Dennison)We have tried our best but he just refuses.We don't mind him to sit beside the teacher desk if not we too don't mind to volunteer our self to sit beside the teacher desk.Lets forget about it and he waste my breath.Last year my father went to Dubai to work and he sent us tickets for us to visit him in Dubai during the year end school holiday.During the flight,I was scared to flush the toilet because when I flushed,it was very loud and scary...When I went out,my mother asked me why my face was pale....(giggle)in fact for the rest of the toilet trip i became an ugly Singaporean for not flushing the toilet.....but the food was very sumptuous(i do remember to wash my both hand though).I even get extra potion for dessert for being nice to the stewardess.I am a mean eating machine.I think the air crew will put my name under the black list..hide the food when i am on board.I enjoyed the variety of games too.The movie are the latest ones...i have watched Kong fu panda,Hancock,dark knight,Simpson movie.......and many many more.Through out the flight i did not sleep at all.Is was one after another entertainment....the whole family did not sleep just busy doing their own things.the flight was smooth...very soon after about 7 hour flight we are there to start our vacation.It was crowded and its like a maze to walk through the airport.Everyone is rushing and we did not know why?? After a good walk of 15minutes we finally reach only the immigration.But to clear the check it take almost 45minutes or more..i was drop dead tired as i did not sleep in the plane.I saw a few guy being turn away for not having a proper document.They have to go back to where we came from.After what was happen,my mother warn us to be smiling face and to great the officer when is our turn. Guess what? i was too tired to do that...so again the officer try to asked even more questions..and she stared at me for not looking at her when i answer her. I think my mother was panicking we will not get through it.After another 10 more minutes..finally we clear..yeehaa!! It was great to see my father as he promise us to bring us to many places of interest.During the stay at Dubai,we went to Ski Dubai,Mall Of Emirate,Wet Wadi,Souk(market).Everything over there are huge,huge and huge!!!The cars on the road are just tire to mention.Their porche canyon are like Toyota cars in Singapore.Hummer are common too..while waiting for my father to fetch us there is this Lamborghini..when the driver start the car...the sound is just make my heart beating go even faster.The highway is 16 line but still jam during peak hour.They have the ERP system too over there...according to my father said this is the only things they learn during they visit to our country....hm!! HA HA let talk about food now....yum yum the food where my father bring us was good.One of it is the restaurant at the old souk call Karachi Tampa.The naan you can eat as much as possible.The dishes are good too.And we have the best tea over there.Each of us was having 2 cups.On the way back along the souk we found another stall selling the milk tea....here we go..we down few more cups!! My mother was busy with her shopping.She get for herself 12 pair camel skin sandal.We have to help her with that.After that we took a boat ride along the river.I cant recall the name of the river but it is beautiful.The seagull flying pass us during the ride.The water is clear.The afternoon sun is warm.At the other side of the river it is souk selling spices and gold.It is eye opening with what they have over there.YES...that is this food stall selling Indian food at the road side is yum yum too..the roast chicken is just too good to mention.We are given some salad,a plate of this thing call hummus.Mum say is chick pea mix with olive oil.Is my mother favourite...but i keep an arm length.Its just not my cup of tea.Thank you very much!!!The juice that my father recommended is pomegranate juice...its so good.I am drooling now...the chicken is crispy on the outside but soft inside and juice too.After that we will walk back home.OH..i remember this during one of the walk my father and i was being chased by a small dog...in Dubai non Muslim are allow to keep dog but have to keep in the cage and lech.We are just unlucky that day...or maybe is the balance smell of the roast chicken attracted the dog??? But we were not hurt just being scared.They keep apologise to my father and i. when we are not out in the day,my brother and me will swim and fool around in the pool.The weather was cool during our stay.My father said when he was there is was summer and the weather was almost 50 degree..!!!It look like the kids there are having good time.NO HOMEWORK...they just play and watch TV.I wish i could be like them too...i know too it is fat hope!!In school,my friends call me "heavy tanker" in soccer because my blocking defence level is high.I am 100% anti-manu because they very "lan".Hahahaha!!!It was a good game that day Mr wan and I thought you were only joking.Thank you very much and I hope for more of this matches.One of our member vomited on the way home but I cannot tell you who it is.I think you will not believe it but I did the 1200 word blog.HeeHeeHee!:):)I hope this will never ever happen again!But things happen "ma".


Anonymous said...

That's why you're sitting in front for my lessons.

1) You can stay out of Melvin's and Dennison's affairs.

2) You can concentrate on your studies because Melvin's and Dennison's quarrels are not affecting them much in their studies but they're affecting you.

3) You're starting to be more self-disciplined.

I hope it works for you. I also hope that in due time, you'll be more independent and can get back to that wretched group without being disturbed in your studies.