20 February 2009

Cyan koh

I am very sorry because I did not bring my Math Journal, yet I did not know that there was work. I dint bring the journal because I was copying the PowerPoint slides at home. I don’t remember getting the work, and then you said that it was given on Friday. I was absent on Thursday, not Friday and I still can’t remember! It’s not in my bag either. Maybe I did not receive it. Anyway, I would like to see the questions so I can do it. Maybe somebody could help me? Well, if I lost it, I am very, very sorry. Ummm… I know! I’m forgetful. Still, I did not know that it even had any math homework.. Maybe I misplaced it then forgot if it was ever there. There are three types of people, people who can be trusted and usually remember to do and bring homework, people who forget to bring their homework and people like me, who forget to DO their homework. This is the first time I forgot that I even HAD homework even after I was reminded. I know that it is wrong to not do homework, but at least I remembered to do this.


Evelyn said...

hi everyone! i've found some videos on "www.youtube.com".

they are:
-human development
-from conception to birth
-period of zygote
-human sexuality : conception
-pregnancy and fetal development anlmation
-human embroynic : development
-development of fetus
-cell fate
-blastocyst formation

i hope that no 1 will say tat i'm pervetic. i just want you guys to learn more.

