04 February 2010


Sorry Mr Wan, I should not shoot the "rocket" at you, I had realised my mistake. It is also very rude. Shooting the "rocket" at you is a form of disrespect. It is also very rude. Rudeness to teacher is an offene, we will receive a one-hour after school detention, parents or guardians will also be notified and we need to complete the self reflection form. I am very grateful to you for showing me mercy and not referring me to Mr Ang. I should be more cautious and think twice before doing anything. The Prairie Dog is a good example. They think before they act abd do the right thing at the right time and at the right place. As a primary six pupil, i must set a good example for the lower primary pupils to learn. This year is a very crucial year for all primary six pupils as PSLE is coming soon. I should start to get more serious in my work and not joke around in class. You hav been a great teacher for last year and this year. I have learnt my lesson. In future, i will think before i act and show more respect to the teachers or anyone else older then me. Discernment is also very important, we should learn from our mistakes and most importantly, not to repeat ti again. The Bobcat is an animal which demostairts discernment. We ought to learn from the Bobcat. I am very sorry Mr Wan, i hope you forgive me.