05 February 2010

Incident about singing 'Happy Birthday' Song...

I sang the 'Happy Birthday' song as Vinnie and Rebecca sung, so I joined in. Dini's birthday is on next Wednesday, we are singing the birthday song for her in advance. As a prefect, I was very guilty, apologetic and remorseful about my behaviour. I will change and reflect on my action. I promise you I will change and use the right voice and the right action at the right time and right place. I would like to ask you a question. Joan was singing but why she was excused from writing this reflection? Is is because she is a new comer? On the other hand, Dini's birthday will be on next Wednesday. Isn't it a happy occasion? I am extremely sorry as I thought you will not mind us singing the birthday song. I really hope you will give a chance as I am just a first-time offender. I hope you will forgive me and understand. I am terribly sorry about my behaviour and I assure you that I will not make this mistake again. Let it be the history and look forward to a new year ahead.