05 February 2010

Happy Birthday Song Incident

I am very sorry that I sang the happy birthday song. We were singing to Dini as her birthday was on Wednesday which is on tenth of Feburary twenty ten. I am quite guilty that as a nominee of head prefect, I could not control myself well enough. I will reflect on my behaviour. I promise you that I will not do it again. I am really apologetic and I hope you will forgive me. I did not follow the school rule which was: to do the right thing at the right time and right place. After this incident, I will control myself and behave wel in class. I would like to take this opportunity to also promise that i will not sit cross-legged again like an ALI BABA....hehe :D By the way, its the first time writing and i am quite sad that I have broken my record!!!!! Last of all, I wil confirm that I will behave myself. ;D CHEESE!