06 October 2009

Why i never bring my lc bk

To: Mdm Maisarah
I apologise a million times sincerely to you for not bringing my Listening Comprehension Book yesterday(I am only writing this blog today as my computer well...jammed up yesterday...(p.s. i told you this morning)
The reason is because i left my Listening Comprehension Book in the bag which i brought on the day we went to chinatown.during the weekends,i remembered to do my homework but it did not occur to me to unpack my bag.When i remembered,it was already sunday in the night,and it was already nearly ten.
I really really really really really really really hope that you will forgive us(those who never bring their Listening Comprehension Book(including me)).I am sorry for wasting forty seven seconds of your precious precious time reprimanding us.I promise wholeheartedlu that i would pack mii bag everyday:)) and make sure what you want us to bring will be either in my school bag or in my locker.Iwould not wantn to repeat this mistake again as:i do not want to waste your time and every one's precious time.I do not want to want to write such a long one thousand word blog:P.I do not want to make you scold us again:)))
From this,I have learnt that we must not be careless and we must be um...neat and tidy.i have also learnt that we must not be so forgetful and must be more responsible for what we do.
I do not think i can promise you that i will nevet NEVER say the word 'forget',but i promisei will never say the word 'forget' or the word 'forgot' or anything which has the word 'forg_t' in front of your face:)).ok...at least i will try...:D
Can you please.........................................forgive us???:)))please.............................
ffffffrom your student from 5 courage who didn't remember to bring her listenign comprehension book,
P.S. I really really really really really reallly reallyreally really really really reallyreally really really really hope you forgive us:-DDDDD
P.P.S. I apologise a hundred, a thousand, a million time s to you,zmdm maisarah
P.P.P.S. I really really really really promise i will always bring my lkistening comprehensiomn book or place it in my lovcker
P.P.P.P.S.By the way, i wrote down the answers for the lesson 8(while doing it that day) and i had full marks!!!XD Do you want to see??I can show you anytimeXD
P.p.p.p.p.s. please please pleaes please plaese please a hundred,a thousand,a million times forgive...
p.p.p.p..p.p.s. Lookie.i give up.I can not write a thousand words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:@Including this p.p.p.p.p.p.s(please note that P and S both i count as seperate words),i have onli written 518 words and i need to write 482 more words.sorry.i hope you can understand.imcluding the p.pp.p.p.p.p.s. below,i have only wrote 602 words and i am still lack of 398 words.i really really hope you can understand:P
p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s. I apologise again and again for not being able to write the full one thousand wordsa blog and i also apologise again for not bringing my lisiening comprehension book.i really really really really really really hope you will understand.
p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s. including this p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s. and the next p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s.,i have still only written 704 words and iu am short of 296 words.
p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s. i am rather glad and asad to say this is my 1st time writing this sort of blog on our class blog.glad as i have had a perfect record(until now), and sad as i had broken my perfect record:'(


Chong Ming said...

grace ur so noob. copy my style.