05 October 2009

continued from first one

I apologise for what i have done. i sincerely apologise for what i have done. i hope you will understand that i have really bad memory and i hope that you will forgive me for not bringing the listening comprehension book. Please forgive me as i know that i have done wrong, i'm begging you. i will not repeat the same mistake as i do not wish to write another long blog like this as it is difficult to know what to write and how to tell you. i am sorry for doing it. i am seriously sorry, i hope you would give me a second chance. I assure you that this would be the last time i will write such a long blog and give it to you. It means that i would not repeat the same mistake again. i believe that you would forgive me. As you know the phrase" once bitten, twice shy" i will definitely not repeat the same mistake.The reason why i am writing to you is because i am guity of doing wrong things. i am embarrased of doing the wrong things. The things i learnt are to build up my memory skills and to not be so... careless. i am sorry for what i have done. i am sorry for what i have done. i have sorry for what i have done. i hope that you would accept my sorry and forget about what i have done. like we have learnt i should not have made you so stress as i would cause you to have headaches, muscle aches, etc. I think that my mind is in outer space. i did not remeber to bring this and that. i should not be like this anymore. i wish that my memory would slowly improve. i know that i would never ever have any difficulties in remebering to bring things to school. i hope that you would understand and you would forgive me.
