05 October 2009

i apologise...

I apologise that i did not bring my listening comprehension book to school today. i did not remember to put the book in my school bag because i brought the listening comprehension book to the chinatown trip and put it in that sling bag. after the chinatown trip, i have not unpacked my bag and went to do all the homework assigned. i did all my homework until bedtime, then i started to pack my bag. Unpacking my sling bag totally slipped my mind. i was rushing as it has already past my bedtime and my mother was nagging at me. In a rush, i just packed in all the books on my study table into my bag. This morning when you asked us to take out our listening comprehension book, i realised that it was still in my sling bag. i promise you that i would not repeat the same mistake of being forgetful again. i assure you that you would not scold me a second time for the same mistake. i will improve on my memory and also learn not to be so careless and forgetful anymore. i really wish that you will for give me for my wrong doings and also as this is my first time i have forgotten to bring something. i promise that this would be the first and would also be the last time such things is going to happen. i am really sorry that i have wasted so much of your time to scold me and made you so angry. i have learnt my lesson of not being so forgetful and pack my bag beforehand. Now, i will pack my bag as early as possible so that i could have enough time to make sure that everything is in my school bag. i would finish my homework as soon as possible so that i could pack my bag earlier and i would not be so rush. i would make sure you would not have to scold me because i did not bring any of my books and homeworks. i think that if i do not make anymore mistakes, the class will not be held back and waste time, instead they would be studying in a very peaceful environment for us to study in. i would be sure that i would not make you angry and scold me because of my forgetfulness and carelessness. from now on, i will remember to bring the books that you ask me to bring. i deserve to be punished this way for my bad memory. i have reflected myself and realised my mistake.i am really... really sorry for making you angry and all stressed up. i hope you will forgive me. The problem with me is that i am always so... forgetful and careless evryday. i really must cut out that bad attitude and learn the right things to do when we go for schooling. i did not bring the listening comprehension book and that is a bad attitude that is not good. i did not intend to not bring my book but it was because of me you have to wait for the few of us to bring the book back to you to mark. It was because i was not focused and i did not bother to remember to bring that book.