20 August 2009

Parent Volunteer Needed

Dear pupils,

Good news, everybody!

5C, 5D and 5H are going to the Singapore Science Centre on 26 Aug (Wed) during school curriculum time for a course.

The course is titled "My Body". There will be demonstrations by Science Centre lecturers as well as a visit to the Human Body Exhibition.

We'll be moving off to the Science Centre from school at 7.45am to have breakfast there. Please bring along your own food or money to purchase food (Eating at McDonald's is allowed). The course ends at around 11am and we'll probably move off at 11.15am and reach school at around 12pm.

Best of all, the course is free and you need not pay a cent.

I'll need one of your parents as a parent volunteer to tag along with us. Please leave a comment for this post if your parent can go as a parent volunteer. They do not need to pay as well but will need to report at the canteen at 7.45am.

Let's all have fun at the Singapore Science Centre!

Posted by Mr Wan