26 August 2009

Sorry for wearing wrong attire

I want to apologise for wearing my PE attire today.I did not know what to wear and only remembered after I came home.So I decided to finish my homework first before my classmates.But I also had some assessmnts to do.By the time I it was already very late I called Gwyneth to ask her what I was to wear tomorrow.She told me that I was to wear my PE attire.Therefore today,I turned up in my PE attire.I hope that you will forgive me as I have learnt my lesson and that I will never do it again.

20 August 2009

Parent Volunteer Needed

Dear pupils,

Good news, everybody!

5C, 5D and 5H are going to the Singapore Science Centre on 26 Aug (Wed) during school curriculum time for a course.

The course is titled "My Body". There will be demonstrations by Science Centre lecturers as well as a visit to the Human Body Exhibition.

We'll be moving off to the Science Centre from school at 7.45am to have breakfast there. Please bring along your own food or money to purchase food (Eating at McDonald's is allowed). The course ends at around 11am and we'll probably move off at 11.15am and reach school at around 12pm.

Best of all, the course is free and you need not pay a cent.

I'll need one of your parents as a parent volunteer to tag along with us. Please leave a comment for this post if your parent can go as a parent volunteer. They do not need to pay as well but will need to report at the canteen at 7.45am.

Let's all have fun at the Singapore Science Centre!

Posted by Mr Wan

13 August 2009


hi people!! i went to the water cooler before goin bac 2 class thats why i'm so late... i should have gone back to clss n ask mr wan first before goin to the toilet. T_T so s-srr--y. btw pls fordivemi!!! (:

11 August 2009

Leonardo Da Vinci

Dear pupils,

This month, August, seems to deal a lot with Da Vinci.

First of all, screening starts in 5D during recess from tomorrow 12 Aug onwards. The show screened is titled "Leonardo". It's produced by BBC.

For those with Discovery Channel (CH12), there's a show every Wed at 10pm called "Creating Davinci" starting this week. It's about using modern Science to build the machines Leonardo Da Vinci invented. I've seen some war machines which are quite nasty.

I'll be recording the above shows on DVD. Hopefully, we can play them in class.

16 Aug (Sunday) also marks the last day of the Da Vinci exhibition at Singapore Science Centre. Go beg your parents to bring you there.

I might be heading there as well during the weekends. Don't be intimidated by my presence and please don't shout my name if you see me there. I prefer to appreciate the works of the genius undisturbed.

Posted by Mr Wan

Math Weekly for Term 3 Week 6 (%)

Those who have the repeated question for Questions 7 and 8, please add this simple question in:

Ali has 336 stamps. 42 of them are local stamps and the rest are foreign stamps. What percentage of the stamps are foreign stamps?

There is also a mistake in the following question:

"Jerry bought a car in 2007. The value of the car decreased by 20% in 2008. In 2007, the value of the car was $79 200. This was 90% of its value in 2008. How much did he buy the car at?"

It should be:

"Jerry bought a car in 2007. The value of the car decreased by 20% in 2008. In 2009, the value of the car was $79 200. This was 90% of its value in 2008. How much did he buy the car at?"

Posted by Mr Wan

08 August 2009

national day celebration!!! (:

here are some photos i took...

hope you like it!! :DD

06 August 2009

Why I walk so slow

I was slow because the people in front are walking tooo slow and i did not want to cut queue because i would be out of line so i just waited patiently and walked at a slow speed.Then Mr Wan came out and told us that we are walking too slow and should be punished so overall i think that i was not really at fault.

Yen Sun

Why I walk so slow...

I walk so slow because my friend,Amirul from 5 Honesty stepped on my shoe and so I had to tie it back but when I look up,I saw Mr Wan standing infront of some of my classmates.So I ran towards them.But when I reached there,Mr Wan was scolding me and my classmates.


Why i walk so slow

Dear Mr Wan
it's not that i walk slow it's because i am following the people in front of me. Then just right you came out of the class and ask why we walk so slow. I also did not want to cut queue as you and mdm maisarah wanted straight lines when we are walking,so that's why i walked so slow.

Tan Le Yang

05 August 2009

Why walk sooooo slow?

I walked slower than the class on the corridoor when I am going to class because I was following closely behind Isabelle when I was walking. When the class is near the classroom, the other classmates suddenly ran very quickly but Shannon still continued walking in her own pace, happily chatting with Isabelle and didn’t bother to catch up with the class. I didn’t went in front of Shannon as I was afraid that Shannon will say that I cut queue. Shannon was leading the girls behind her so all of us followed her. After Mr Wan stopped us from entering the classroom, we were told to stay outside 5 Diligence’s classroom while Mr Wan get the ICT monitors to come out and record down all our names. Before the ICT mointors came out, Isabelle and Shannon still have the mood to giggle and laugh. Then, Ming An and Marcus came out and record our names. After the ICT monitors went back into the class, Mdm Maisarah asked why we were all standing in front of 5 Diligence’s classroom. We all told her the reason and she asked us to go and stand in front of our classroom while Al-driss went into the classroom. The boys all called him back then he realised that he was not surposed to go into the classroom. Mr Wan deducted 100 points per person and asked us to blog a 50 words blog.

Seriously, I still think that I was not at fault.

Why I walk so slow?

Dear Mr Wan,
I had a bad fall while playing during recess on 4th August.I injured my left knee and my right elbow.This resulted in walking slowly when I climb up the stairs.I hope that you forgive me for walking so slowly when I climb up the stairs today.

Brandon Seah

Why i walked so slowly

we were doing an animation in the com lab. i was saving my animation in my thumbdrive and mdm Maisarah already went out of the com lab. i tried to hurry to save my work in my thumbdrive but the computer was very slow. i would not be so slow ever again.

-Isabelle Tan-

Why I come so late

When we were about to reach the third floor, Iylia punched me and I wanted to push him into the girls toilet, but couldn't . After serval attempts , I decided to give up and go. Just while I was about to get into the class, you told me to stay there.


Why i walk so slow.

Mr Wan,is not that i walk slow.We are walking as a line then when others go in we behind people get scolded becaus e just nice u come out at that time.We cant go out of the line or cut q or stuffs.Mdm Maisarah or u,Mr Wan always want straight lines rite?So its simply like this.Its a simple logic.I was also saving my work in the computer lab but i did manage to catch up with the others.


Why i walk so slow

Mr Wan,I walk so slow because i was at the back line.I just followed the classmate in front of me and stayed at the back.I am actually suppose to be in front but i came out late from the com lab as i was saving th animation.

y i walk so slow

Mr wan, i walked so slow as i was thinking about wat will happen on friday. i was also checking my grazed elbow that i had a few days ago(still pain)in the football field. the others already walked away very fast and i was just following the people in front of me who walk very slowly. when we wanted to just catch up quickly the people in front told us not to cut qeue and still walked slowly that was then you came out and scolded us and minus points(where is that scoreboard?) and write100 word blog(pretty unfair)

01 August 2009

Math Weekly For Term 3 Week 5


A list of 11 numbers has an average of 220. When 2 numbers are deleted from the list, the average of the remaining numbers is 211. What are the two numbers that have been deleted given that the difference between the two numbers is 1. [3]


The pupils in a class of 40 scored 75 marks on average in a Mathematics test. Later, it was discovered that the score of one of the pupils was wrongly recorded as 68. After correcting his score, the average score of the class increases to 75.5. What is the actual score of this pupil? [3]


The table below shows the output of a production line in a week.

















Fill in the missing digit for both Wednesday and Thursday. [3]


Henry took four English tests in a year. His average score for the first two tests was 92 and his average score for all the four tests was 88. Given that Henry scored 12 more marks in the third test than the fourth test, what was his score for the third test? [3]


The table below shows Patrick’s scores for three subjects.


Score (100 each)







Mother Tongue


Given that his average score for the four subjects is 86 marks, what is his lowest possible score for Science? [4]


A group of pupils calculated their average score for a Science test. They noted that:

a) if any of them scored 13 marks more, their average score would be 90

b) if any of them scored 5 marks less, their average score would be 87

How many pupils are there in the group? [5]


In a mathematics competition with 100 participants, the average score was 63. Given that the average score of the boys was 60 and that of the girls was 70, find the number of boys and that of girls who participated in this competition. [5]

Why did i scream?

OK...I scream because there was a purple ant crawling on the umbrella walking towards my HAIR.So i screamed.But i dont know my screaming so good.And sorry Mr.Wan for wasting about 11 seconds of his time.And everyone's 5 second.I am now currently making this blog to 50 words and i just succeeded by typing this.Thank you.

Ch0nG MiNg

What happened?

OK.This is what actually happened.I saw Dennison hitting Al-Driss ok.Maybe i see wrong..So i take the 1.5 bottle which has the word HEADSHOT on it and used 10% of my power to hit dennison back.Then i dunno his acting so well act like tio hit so pain.Then his face grow red then smack me 3 times full power with his bottle.But i pro,i block with my bottle.Then the teacher come take away the bottle lor.AND I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH AL-DRISS.ITS CALLED A GOOD DEED.GOOD DEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is way more then 50 words.I know.Thanks all and bye.

Ch0nG MiNg