31 August 2010


21 August 2010

Science Practice Paper

Science Practice 1

The melting point of W is -10 degree Celsius.

Question 8 is on solar system. Please do not do.

Should you have any question, please list it here under "comments" and I'll edit this page.

Mr Wan

20 August 2010



17 August 2010

My Say...

First of all, I'm not a blood-thirsty teacher going for blog entries. I think 6C is an enjoyable class to teach.

But I'm also worried about the class attitude which may affect the attitude for revision.

If you're still having a happy-go-lucky attitude towards lessons, it's quite a worrying phenomenon.

Kudos to Firdaus and Yi Wen trying to do a good job. I know it's hard and it's demoralising to absorb the mistake of others. But the message is sent: Teachers do not tolerate nonsense, especially when exams are near. We can have an enjoyable lesson but make sure your attitude's right.

After almost 2 years of torment from me, I think by now, you should roughly know what I mean.

Something gladden me these few days. Al-Driss was showing me a Thursday article on energy. It's pretty interesting, as you can view below.

Then today, he shared with me some interesting A-level books on Biology, Physics and Chemistry. It's a pity I'm not familiar with Biology and Chemistry but Physics certainly intrigued me, having taken Physics at A-level. It's his attitude that makes me very pleased. He has no motive to impress, just a way of expressing his passion for Science.

Meanwhile, don't take the punishment too harshly. Maintain your positive attitude in learning.

I wish you luck in your upcoming oral examinations.

Best of luck,
Mr Wan

Why I Did Not Keep The Class Quiet

I apologise for not keeping the class quiet.let me explain.okay,before you came in,the class was not so noisy.it was only when you were walking down our class corridor did the talking started.im not sure but the sound seem to come from the back of the classroom.i did not ask them to stop talking as i saw yi wen and vinnie already asking them to stop talking.thus,i ignored the people who are talking.later when you came in the class,you asked me to give you at least three people's name who are talking very loudly.so,i did not know who was talking as if i say the wrong name,they must write a blog for no reason.i did not know about this but,yi wen said one of them was zon.so i said zon.i did not know the other two names so you said that you would give me time until the bell ring.but when the bell rang,you just walked off.it was entirely not your fault.it was mine,for not informing you.i will try my best to keep the whole class as quiet as possible and i will be vigilant in those who do not keep quiet despite me warning them.once again,i am sorry.

Why I did not bring my science PSLE book

I am really sorry for not bringing my Science PSLE book last Friday. I practised chinese oral till quite late into the night and was so tired that I forgot to pack my bag. Thus, I did not bring all my home work, including the Science PSLE book. I will really try my best not to be so careless again.

Osacar Lee Ting Yen

Why I did not have my science workbook

Dear Mr Wan,

I am sorry i did not have my science workbook.I did not hav my science workbook as i had left it under my table. As under my table also had alot of other stuff the science workbook fell out and that was why i could not find it at home nor in schoool . This is the reason i did not bring my science workbook was that i could not find it at home the day before.I am very sad and dissapointed at myself and i hope that you will forgive me.

Ming An

15 August 2010

Dear Mr Wan,
As the monitress of 6 Courage, I would like to apologise for the class' noisy behaviour that day before your lesson. Some people were talking, and Vinnie and I went over, trying to stop them. Unfortunately, when we were about to ask them to quieten down, you stepped into the classroom. Actually, the class was actually quite well-behaved until those people started to talk. I feel that (for some of the people who could not control their laughter) it was not really their fault. That was why i could not name the other two people as i did not know who they were. I hope you understand.
I know that we have gained a bad reputation; and have been a disappointment to you as you already warned us before and it had happened many times before.I assure you that i will do my best in keeping the class quiet whenever a teacher is not around. I really hope that you will forgive us and the whole class.

The Monitress,

13 August 2010

Don't worry , bee happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never bring science workbook

Sorry Mr wan for not bringing my science workbook to school as I did not pack my bag properly the previous night.I am remorseful for not bringing my science workbook as I will be missing out on many things.I will not forget to bring science workbook again.I hope you will forgive me.

06 August 2010

Fixing a Leakage

Gorilla is a herbivore...