12 March 2010

sorry for getting catch by YI WEN

Firstly,sorry.Secondly,sorry.Thirdly,sorry.I admit that i did gave trouble for Yi wen earlier in this year but recently, i didn't do anything. today,i came in class from chinese and sat down and did NOTHING.And y did she catch me.If it is base on only that day i think it is quite unfair, but for the year, i think it is reasonable.sorry for wasting about 6 minutes of mr wan's time and firdaus time and yi wen's time and the whole class time.because of us u could not watch videos!!!!!!!!! so i am very sorry and i am sorry again. i am still quite sorry as i am sorry.
i have written about 100 words and i am trying to extend it by writing this sentence now.SORRY YI WEN SORRY FIRDAUS SORRY MR WAN SORRY CLASS SORRY SORRY SORRY AND SORRY AND SORRY . im not sure if i have writen 200 words but i think i am close to it.i shallc ontinue writing this later as i am going to see some mv in music lesson.