12 March 2010

My apologies to Mr Wan and Class

Dear Mr Wan, I am sorry about talking and being disrespectful to Firdaus and Yi Wen. I I will turn over a new leaf and will stay at my sit without talking to anybody and do my own things without making noise.I also promise i will not be noisy and disturb them ever again after this painful experience of getting scolded.I am also sorry for wasting quite some time and also would like to apologise to the class as we were the ones who made the whole class unable to watch the videos you wanted to show. So once again I am TRULY sorry to the class and you for wasting your time and most of for the videos as everybody had wanted to watch the videos as it is very interesting to watch.I know that you would be disappointed by my behaviour .Therefore, i will not do this kind of acts again as it waste peoples time and not able to watch the videos.Once again I'm sorry.