10 October 2010

[Science Qns]

This is a summary of the questions I don't understand.Mr Wan can help and edit this page?Thx.

Additional PSLE practice:
Qns 21. Ans key say plant a few seeds or can just plant one seed in the egg shell?
Roots from one seed not enough to crack shell.
Qns 37. The qns say 2 of the animal eats plant only but ans key draw only B as the herbivore, E eat plant and animal as omnivore,C as carnivore, D as carnivore. Then no other animal eat plant. So my answer is A-->B, E and C, B-->C, C-->D. B and E is herbivore, C is omnivore, D is carnivore.
I copy the answer from the booklet without checking. I agree with your answer but there is more than one answer.

PSLE Booklet:
Physical Science Booklet B Qns 3c/ Specimen Paper Booklet B Qns 42c. Why cannot make another hole at the top of the bottle beside the opening where they pour the liquid inside? What is the answer then?
Do not make changes to the apparatus unnecessarily unless you've got no choice. Remember the question on torchlight? Don't add batteries, just bring the torchlight nearer to the screen.

Practice 7A:
Qns 10. Why is the answer 4? My answer is 1.
B should have foil to act as a control. D and F are not enough to prove that carbon dioxide does not come from the water itself.

Qns 22. I still dont understand how to do.
Just look for compasses that point to the circle and away from it as like poles repel and unlike poles attract. Then you'll know how the magnet is placed in the circle.

Practice 6A:
Qns 2. I still dont understand the grid.

Qns 10. How did the bubble in the water form?

I don't have practice 6A and PSLE booklet with me, so you need to be more specific.

Practice 5A:
Qns 14. Why ans cant be Fats.
It can be but fats do not produce energy, it is bad conductor of heat though to keep you warm. It's more of carbohydrates.

Qns. What is the diff. between budding and cell division? Want to confirm, is this in syllabus?
Budding is not in the syllabus. I have notes on budding and cell division in P5. You might want to refer to your Science notebook in P5. Main difference: Daughter cell is of smaller size than parent size for budding. For cell division, both daughter cells are of same sizes.