09 September 2009

I've got a happy Teachers' Day

Dear 5C pupils,

Thanks for the little surprise you guys came up with the 5D pupils.

You've shown me that you guys can work with differences put aside.

The gifts you've showered me were great and I appreciate them, particularly the heart put in choosing, wrapping and decorating them, as well as the nice little messages placed in the cards.

I'm sorry that my throat wasn't well in delivering my lessons. I'm also glad that you guys could still understand the lessons.

Melvin, thank you for the praise but I'm not really a dancer. I was just trying to mimic the dance steps on the projector screen. I was kind of shocked that I won as I've got no time to notice what Mr Hakim and Mr Ghani were doing.

I'm glad you guys enjoyed the dance, though all 3 of us were caught by surprise.

Thank you for being attentive pupils for the past 8 months.

A teacher can never be great without great students.

You guys rock! Thank you for everything.

Best wishes,
Mr Wan