30 April 2009


Dear pupils,

I've mentioned that condensation is the hardest section in the topic "water".

Some of you are still shaky over the concept. I'll just places a few notes about condensation here:

1) Condensation is the process whereby warmer water vapour becomes tiny water droplets on a colder surface.

2) Condensation happens at any temperature. The bigger the difference in temperature between water vapour and the cold surface, the higher the rate of condensation (more water droplets)

3) Condensation involves heat lost by water vapour to the cold surface.

4) Condensation involves the change of state of water from gas (water vapour) to liquid (tiny water droplets).

5) Water vapour and steam cannot be seen. They are colourless.

6) The white mist we see coming out of kettle with boiling water or the breath of people in very cold countries are actually water droplets, not steam or water vapour.

7) The white mist comes from water vapour which condensed to form water droplets in the air. The tiny water droplets is also evaporating very rapidly to the atmosphere.

8) Clouds are formed from condensation. So, clouds are made up of tiny water droplets.

Ask me questions on water or other Science related topics under "comments" if you have any.

Posted by Mr Wan