30 April 2009


Dear pupils,

I've mentioned that condensation is the hardest section in the topic "water".

Some of you are still shaky over the concept. I'll just places a few notes about condensation here:

1) Condensation is the process whereby warmer water vapour becomes tiny water droplets on a colder surface.

2) Condensation happens at any temperature. The bigger the difference in temperature between water vapour and the cold surface, the higher the rate of condensation (more water droplets)

3) Condensation involves heat lost by water vapour to the cold surface.

4) Condensation involves the change of state of water from gas (water vapour) to liquid (tiny water droplets).

5) Water vapour and steam cannot be seen. They are colourless.

6) The white mist we see coming out of kettle with boiling water or the breath of people in very cold countries are actually water droplets, not steam or water vapour.

7) The white mist comes from water vapour which condensed to form water droplets in the air. The tiny water droplets is also evaporating very rapidly to the atmosphere.

8) Clouds are formed from condensation. So, clouds are made up of tiny water droplets.

Ask me questions on water or other Science related topics under "comments" if you have any.

Posted by Mr Wan

24 April 2009

Never check the blogs

I am so sorry Mr Wan for not checking the blogs that our classmates were suppose to do. My brother has now fixed my laptop and can now connect to the internet.I will also tell you early if this kinds of things happen again which i hope that there is not.Once again i am so sorry for what i have done so i also hope that you cold forgive me and i will be a good ict monitor. so i do not want to waste your precious time reading this apology blog so i will will end this with another (sorryX100).By Marcus from 5c

Sorry for erasing name on whiteboard

Sorry for erasing my name on the board(mr wan say can use sorry).I am not questioning the monitors authority but i think that they should not write my name as I only talked to Marcus or Ming An(i cannot remember)but i am still wrong because i talked.ok fine fine im wrong im very wrong.Very sorry to Firdaus,Isabelle,Ms Toh(i dunno the relief teacher name) and Mr Wan.I hope you all will forgive me and sorry for wasting Firdaus and Isabelle's time writing my name on the board and sorry for wasting 26 seconds of Mr Wan's life questioning me.VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY EXTRAORDINARY SORRY.

BY : *^%())Ch0Ng M!nG*)(&%

17 April 2009

Halo, what a rare sight

I think you'll enjoy reading this news.

Halo, what a rare sight

A halo around the sun, viewed from the vicinity of the Singapore Flyer, was seen in the skies over Singapore on Tuesday afternoon. A halo is a rare optical phenomenon that appears near or around the sun, and is formed when sunlight is refracted by ice crystals suspended in cirrus clouds in the upper atmosphere. Before modern forms of meteorology were developed, atmospheric phenomena such as haloes were used as an empirical means of weather forecasting.


Posted by Mr Wan

Why did i not do my corrections correctly

i apologise for not doing my corrections correctly as i do not konw the correct working.i could not remember the working Mr Wan showed on the board as we could NOT copy down the working and answer. i had to see Iylia's work and do my corrections but there was only a little time left before MT and Iylia was also rushing. i had only some time to copy down the answers but could do the workings. im very s.......(i forgoten not to use the word but i did not use it)....................i apologise and will not do this again. Mr Wan pls forgive me.

Why I didn't do my math corrections properly

Mr Wan,
I am not going to say sorry because yesterday you said that you don't want to hear the word sorry. I didn't do it properly is because for some questions I didn't really know if they are correct example for page 19 the drawing of triangles. Although you said it very clearly, I still don't know how to do the corrections like if I had to do it in green or in pencil. For page 2,5,11,12 and 13 I really don't understand where did I do wrong. I should have asked you where did I do wrong at, I promise I will ask you or my group mates next time. As for the last correction, page 3, I did not know that I must put in the height for triangle A. I will TRY to avoid not doing your corrections in future.

15 April 2009

i wont say it again... :DD

hi guys!! i am back. i wanna apologise to mr wan for wasting a few precious seconds of his life scolding me. T_T sry. i will not use the word H E L L ever again in a millions years... pls forgive me as i was a regular customer(blogger). i will not do it again. bye bye and have a great day!!

predit:(50+ words)

11 April 2009

Maths Textbook Answers for Fractions

These are the answers to the Math TB questions for those who want to try.

Posted by Mr Wan

10 April 2009

Math Weekly Answers

Dear pupils,

In case some of you really detest going to 5D blog,
here is the answers for Math Weekly.

Posted by Mr Wan