31 July 2009

CIP rocks my socks!!!!

today i went to RC Garden... i puck weeds, grow plants and water them. i puck the weeds and throw them at dini and vinnie. i was caught red handed by Mr wan. T_T i am very sad. i apologise to vinnie and dini and have to write the 50 word blog. i saw the password for the RC garden. the password is ****** hahas. you are punk!!!

24 July 2009

Math Weekly Answers for Week 3

Click to enlarge

23 July 2009


Dear pupils,

These are the slides of "The Fllos?" and Neptune. Only these 2 specimen slides show the stomata clearly. Don't they look like lips trying to smack you?

22 July 2009


DEAR Mr Wan,
I apologise of what I did in class. That time I thought Mdm Maisarah was still in class so when Zon passed me the ball I hit it back as Mdm Maisarah allows us to play the ball durring free time. That was a vvvvvery unlucky time when you walked in as I was reading a book before I hit the ball so I did not know that Mdm Maisarah has already left the class.

From Oscar

16 July 2009

I apologize to you mr wan, for reading the thick horrible histories book while you were teaching maths and for not doing the right action at the right place and right time. While oscar loaned me the book, I was reading it and I did not notice my surroundings at that time. I had this bad habit of just reading through a book at once and I will try to drop this bad habit which caused me to be in trouble pretty many times. Another reason I will drop this habit is that I want to score high marks for my exam and will listen to lessons

15 July 2009


I apologise for reading the book,Lily's Crossing.I was reading it as I wanted to finish it so that I could exchange it with my friends.I am really really sorry for having done so.I will not do it again.I promise that I would never do it again.

Answers for Math Weekly Term 3 Week 2

Dear pupils,

Here are the answers. I've squeezed in an algebra answer for Qn8.

Posted by Mr Wan

09 July 2009

Animal and Plant Cells

Plant cell magnified (Can you see the cell wall?)
Plant cells
Plant cells (Can you see the faint nucleus?)Cluster of cheek cells
Cheek cell

08 July 2009

I am sorry for whistling

Dear Mr Wan,

I am sorry for whistling in class.I did not did this on purpose.I assure you that I will not whistle in your class again.I will also try to stop whistling in class.I am very sorry and i hope you will forgive me.

07 July 2009

i dun noe how 2 whistle...

Mr wan i did not whistle at all. Btw, i dun even noe how 2 whistle. i should not talk so much in class. i will try 2 behave myself. The End.

04 July 2009

I did not bring the science journal as i was busied over completeing the young water card and did not pack my school bag properly. I would not have done so if i was not busy . I promise that in the future i will not do such a thing ever again.

Ooi Jia Xuan
- -
l l

02 July 2009

Science Journal

I did not bring my Science Journal today because it was not that I do not know.I remembered that there was Science today so I thought that Mr Wan is going to mark the Science workbook.So,I did not bother to take my Science journal.But I was wrong,Mr Wan did not go through the Science workbook but finished the topic cells instead.It is my fault anyway for not being careful.


opps i left it at home!!

Mr Wan, i left my science journal at home on the study table. i will not do that again. promised. i will bring it every single school day to school even there is no science lesson. i am so S***y. please forgive me!!! good bye i am going to do my water ambassabor. -.-

01 July 2009

Sorry for whistling

Dear Mr Wan,

I am sorry for whistling at your lessons.I did not meant to whistle.I am sorry for also wasting some time.I can promise you that i would whistle at the right place and right time only.I also assure you that i would not whistle in class again.

I hope you will forgive me,
Samuel Ang