28 March 2009

Greater Mouse Deer sighted in Ubin

Animal thought to be extinct in S'pore spotted for first time in 80 years

By Ang Yiying

SEPARATE sightings of mouse deer here and on Pulau Ubin have brought hope that native wildlife is making a comeback in Singapore.

The Greater Mouse Deer - one of the smallest hoofed animals in the world - was seen on Pulau Ubin during a survey by the National University of Singapore and National Parks Board (NParks) from last September to this month.

This is the first official sighting of the wild Greater Mouse Deer in more than 80 years, confirmed NParks.

On Pulau Ubin, NParks and its volunteers have chalked up 100 sightings of the Greater Mouse Deer in more than one area, so it was unlikely that these are abandoned or escaped pets. The species is also not known to swim, so the animals there are unlikely to have come from those released in the catchment area.

Nature Society of Singapore president Shawn Lum said the presence of mouse deer was a good sign for not just native wildlife but also the eco-system. 'They play an important role in the ecology of the forest...It's great news for the long- term stability and regeneration of the rainforest,' he said.

NParks said it is conducting surveys to ascertain the population of these creatures.


MOUSE deer are native to Singapore and are known to exist in parts of Bukit Timah Nature Reserve and the Central Catchment Nature Reserve, the forested area that borders MacRitchie Reservoir, Lower Peirce Reservoir, Upper Peirce Reservoir and Upper Seletar Reservoir.

Mr Biswajit Guha, assistant director of zoology at the Singapore Zoo, said the Greater and Lesser Mouse Deer are fairly common throughout South-east Asia and not severely threatened.

However, in Singapore, the Greater Mouse Deer is thought to be extinct while the Lesser Mouse Deer is said to be critically endangered.

Said Mr Guha, 'The Greater Mouse Deer sports a more orange coat, while the Lesser has a browner coat.'


GREATER MOUSE DEER (Tragulus napu)

Head-body length: 520mm to 572mm

Shoulder height: 300mm to 350mm

Weight: 3.5kg to 4.5kg


LESSER MOUSE DEER (Tragulus kanchil)

Head-body length: 400mm to 550mm

Shoulder height: 200mm to 230mm

Weight: 1.4kg to 2.5 kg


NParks says sightings of mouse deer are rare, especially during the day. It advises the public to keep quiet when encountering such animals, which are shy and nocturnal by nature.

Posted by Mr Wan

Asteroid's remains found

A black chunk of rock found in the Sudan desert. The rock is a leftover from the asteroid 2008 TC3. --PHOTO: ASSOCIATED PRESS

WASHINGTON: For the first time, scientists have matched a meteorite found on Earth with a specific asteroid that became a fireball plunging through the sky.

Last October, astronomers tracked a small non-threatening asteroid heading towards Earth before it became a 'shooting star', something that had not been done before. The asteroid blew up in the sky and scientists thought there would be nothing left to examine.

But a painstaking search by dozens of students through the remote Sudan desert came up with 3.9kg of black jagged rocks, leftovers from the asteroid 2008 TC3. And those dark rocks were full of surprises and minuscule diamonds, according to a study published yesterday in the journal Nature.

The asteroid, which mostly burned in the atmosphere, is likely a leftover from when chunks of rock tried and failed to become a planet about 4.5 billion years ago, scientists said.


Thought we had a discussion on meteoroids, this article seemed interesting.

Posted by Mr Wan

24 March 2009

Why i did not bring......

Mr Wan i did not bring my maths journal is because i forgot. I really got do. i still remember i did not do 1 question because i dont know how to solve. i remember pack my bag. starting with the big books(bigger in size). than when i am packing the small books(smaller in size e.g.excersise book) i forgot to pack the maths journal. i will TRY not to repeat my mistake ever and ever again. i hope you forgive me. i know you show me mercy by giving me 150 words instead of 200, 300,500 or even 1000.(because Manchester United lost to Fulham 2-0 so you are in a good mode) pls forgive me. i am sorry. opps! sorry for using the word sorry.

Melvin the 6th time blogging on this blog.T_T,

21 March 2009

Pacific Isle's Black Ash of Death

This is an article from The Straits Times, 21 Mar 2009 (Sat)

Pacific Isle's Black Ash of Death

NUKU'ALOFA (TONGA): A volcanic eruption near the South Pacific nation of Tonga has destroyed rich bird-life and vegetation, leaving a wasteland of black ash and tree stumps, witnesses said yesterday.

Sightseers, officials and scientists who went to the site have described frequent explosions hurtling rocks and ash hundreds of metres into the air.

The volcano, on the uninhabited islet of Hunga Ha'apai, 63km north-west of the Tongan capital Nuku'alofa, began erupting on Monday, days after a moderate earthquake. It continued to spew yesterday, even as Tonga's main island of Tongatapu was rocked by a 7.9-magnitude quake.

The volcano is hundreds of kilometres from the epicentre of the earthquake, which caused no significant damage but sparked a regional tsunami warning.

Radio journalist George Lavaka, who visited the island with a sightseeing group on Thursday, said: 'The island itself is totally destroyed. There is no living thing left there, it's all covered in black ash.'

'There are only black stumps where the coconut trees were,' he added. 'We saw dead birds and fish in the water.'


Posted by Mr Wan

08 March 2009

sry for not doing correction.

Very sorry to Mr Wan for not doing maths correction.I went to see you at 5 loyalty that day but you say i can go but still sorry.I thought i finish the correction already or i missed the page.Very sorry and i hope that i am forgiven.

From Chong Ming

06 March 2009

the reason...

i did not do my one of my correction because i think i missed it. Mr wan did not fold the page,, but i dont blame him.. okayy... so im sorry.. its dat okayy..?? soo i would do my corrections... and check b4 i hand in.. ok soh-reyO_O...

05 March 2009

Mr Wan,I am very sorry for not doing my corrections properly.It's not that I don't know.It went all like this.After my mothertongue teacher released me,I went 5 Loyalty as you told me to.I came to search for my book but did not saw mine.You said that my book was either not marked yet or I have no corrections.So,I thought that I can leave already so I left.The story went all like that.I am once again sorry.Please forgive me!


Why i did not do my maths corrctions properly

I am sorry mr wan for not doing my corrections. I had forgotten to do it out of carelessness and promise not to do it again. I also will not make you angry again and hope you forgive. I had forgotten to do it because i did not check if i had do all my corrections after you went through the answer .
By Marcus Sing5 courage

i am very sorry Mr Wan for not doing the maths correction properly

I am very very sorry that i did not do the corrections properly, and made Mr Wan angry.i had no time to check my work book becauce he said that the group MUST hand in the workbook before the bell rings.Please forgive me , Mr Wan.

By- Wei How

why I did not do my corrections properly
Sorry Mr Wan I did not do my corrections properly.T.T=(....I did not check my math workbook properly as you said if any group who don't pass before the bell rings minus 100points.Mr Wan,I am terribly sad and remorse for what I did....Please forgive me!=(....

Sorry for not doing the maths corrections properly

Mr Wan ,I am very very sorry for not doing the math corrections properly and made you angry. Yesterday, after our Chinese lessons I went to 5 Loyalty to check for corrections. You told me that I had 2 and I done them. But I carelessly put an extra unit so I got the corrections wrong for the maths corrections wrong. After I done the corrections yesterday, I wanted to get home quickly or else my grandma will scold me so I did not check it.....Sorry Mr Wan!

By by Xin Yi

Sorry for not doing the math corrections

Mr Wan, I am sorry that I did not do my math workbook correction and made you upset. Yesterday,I checked through my math workbook but missed out some pages of correction.After school,I went to you and asked you if i had any corrections,but you said no.It was kinda confusing, though yes,it was my fault in the first place that I did not do the corrections,but after hearing your answer after school, I thought I did not owe any corrections....SORRY!!! T.T
By-Yi Wen 5c

Why I Did Not Do My Corrections

I am sorry that i did not do my corrections. When Evelyn return me my math work book i wanted to check for corrections but Wei How was rushing me to hand in the math work book as Mr Wan said that if the group hand in the math work after the bell rang you would deduct 100 points from the group. But i wanted to check my work book but before i flip to the page where i had corrections the bell had already rang so i just hand the book up to Wei How. i am really sorry and i promised that i will check all my work for corrections before i hand up to you.

Sorry for not doing corrections in my maths work book

I am sorry Mr wan i did not do my maths workbook corrections. i usually finish all my homework on time and doublecheck. but this time i am sorry that i overlooked the corrections. i am very sorry and i promise that i will not do that again

Chu Heng T.T

02 March 2009

sry 4 shoutin in class

hi again, i am melvin from 5 courage this is my 4th or 5th time writind here.i am very very very very very sorry to mdm maisarah for being rude to her by shouting and mr wan for breaking my promise in my previous blog.i will never do that again.i will be a very very very good boy.i will listen to teachers order.i will come to mdm maisarah next time and ask her politly the next time instead of shouting at the top of my voice. i will TRY not to repeat my mistake.i hope you can forgive me. have a nice day! gd bye :DD!

Sry for whistling

I am sorry for whistling in class.I should not have whistled in class.I whistled because i was happy that i pass.Very sorry about it and i wont do it again in class.Sorry for wasting Mr Wan's 1 min 3 sec for finding who whistled and telling me to write a 100 word blog and everyone's precious 41 seconds(i know you all were not paying attention).Now only 70 words,i need 30 more.Lets think what to say....Very very very sorry for what happen and i promise i wont do it in class ever ever ever ever............(after 100 of ever)ever ever ever again.(repeated)

Chong Ming